Continuing a Tradition of Partnership, Innovation, and Educational Excellence
On Sunday October 20, members of the Central Square Teachers Association as well as other Central Square School District faculty, families and friends participated in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in downtown Syracuse.
On June 6th, six of our teachers were recognized and honored as outstanding educators. State Senator Patty Ritchie honored more than 40 teachers from Oswego, Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties.
Honorees were nominated for Senator Ritchie’s “Teachers of Excellence” program for their dedication and commitment to education by colleagues, former students, friends and family members.
Please congratulate the following people when you see them:
Maria Donahue
Sheryl Harrell
Linda Meredith
Rachel Riggs
Missy Staats
Delinda Sunderland
Each school in the district worked hard to collect cash and online donations to help in the fight against breast cancer. The grand total Central Square School District raised is $2333.50 to benefit the American Cancer Society.
Many thanks to Building Team Leaders in each school for their hard work and dedication to this important walk: Cara Young and Heather Gullo - PV Moore High School, Paula Manchester- Central Square Intermediate, Sarah Alsante- Central Square Middle School, Helen Bolen- Cleveland Elementary, Rick Snavlin and Pam Potter- Brewerton Elementary, Jen Kandt- Millard Hawk Primary, Lisa Archer- District Office, Delinda Sunderland- AA Cole Elementary, and Lisa Cecile- Hastings Mallory Elementary.
Central Square faculty, families and friends came out to join us in Making Strides. They included: Rick Snavlin and family, Pam Potter, Jaclyn Straub, Cara Young, Karen Figaro, Nora Rudewicz, Jen Kandt, Jen Stolsenberg, Jaime Ballard, Kelly Benjamin, Heather Gullo with daughters Annie, Sophie, and Tess, Karen Cole, Delinda Sunderland, Sarah Morris, Jen Randesi, Alicia Crandall, Ed Darrh and family, and Dave Fries. Central Square Board of Education member Trina Hall walked alongside us with her husband Chris and daughter Peyton. Central Square Girl’s Varsity Volleyball Coach Deanne McClellan and JV coach Corinn Bates walked with student athletes and their families including, Dawn Ferhman, Bethany Ferhman, Donetta Gass, Megan Gass, Joanie Pierce, Elizabeth Pierce, Emily Pierce, Kim Ackerman, Marissa Ackerman, Maddy Besaw, Morgan Haberer, Claudia White, Kendra White, Eva Keohane, Lizzie Straub, Melissa Pulis, Taylor Jackson, Abbey Shields, Tara Coughlin, Morgan Maloney, Karyn Knaul, Lauren Sauve, Schaylyn Passino, Julia Evans, Maggie Prusinowski, and Adynah Birch. PV Moore teachers and DECA advisors Nicole Heath and Michele Adams walked alongside PV Moore High School students and DECA members Allison Hemingway, Jeremy Hemingway, Emily Lanning, Elise Chamberlin, Sarah Lauber, Christine Figaro, Nicole Holdsworth, and Adynah Birch.
Some of you may be old enough to remember a somewhat famous movie starring Yul Brenner, entitled “The Magnificent Seven.” Well we’ve got that beat three times over with this June’s group of 21 retirees. The “Terrific 21” includes double digits, 10 from the high school (was it something Dave Furletti said?) and notable veterans from the middle school and elementary schools. The district, at the June 4th Board of Education meeting, recognized these teachers. So in addition to the usual commemorative plaque our retirees received, it is appropriate to take a moment to reflect upon and celebrate the careers and service of our colleagues. We thank you for your dedication and share the excitement for all that you have to look forward to. The time you have so generously given for decades, to our classrooms, students, parents and the Central Square community is now yours to enjoy with family, friends, travel, hobbies and perhaps encore careers.
Your departure represents inevitable change that schools face in this era of reform and change. While your retirement will create opportunities for some new faces, different perspectives and new ideas, it is important to consider the impact of what we as a district are losing. Let me be clear, your leaving is a loss for your colleagues who have worked with you, the students who looked forward to learning from you, the schools whose halls you walked everyday and our district that you both nurtured and strengthened by your presence. You represent literally hundreds of years of teaching experience and institutional memory that has spanned an era from blackboards to whiteboards to smart boards. You helped transition our district into the twenty first century, adapting instructional practice to align with technology and changes in the structure of the teaching environment. Some of you went from teaching without walls to teaching in the block, from a junior high to a middle school to a house structure, from a K-6 elementary to a K-2 or 3-5 building. You have all met the challenge of preparing students for higher standards, more rigorous and frequent testing and understanding and accepting the diversity of learning styles and special needs within the classroom setting. Perhaps what will be missed most, is what is hardly noticed now and taken so much for granted; the predictability of your competence, honed by years of teaching experience and the confidence in your craft that brings. Undoubtedly, Central Square will be different next year. The challenge our district will face will be to fill the breach caused by your absence. This will take time …a lot of time.
The late Paul Besser, who was Central Square’s superintendent when many of our retirees were beginning their careers, would open every school year reminding teachers about the impact they had on students, “You don’t know where your influence begins or ends” he would declare. Your influence, the legacy of the “Terrific 21,” is enduring and will live on in the achievements and successes of the collective thousands of students you have taught and mentored during your careers.
Thank you for your service, your friendship and your loyalty to the CSTA. Each of you richly deserves to enjoy this new and exciting time in your life.
Cleveland Elementary School Has Done It Again!
In 2010, Cleveland Elementary School was named a Blue Ribbon School of Character and just this year they are the only school receiving the 2013 New York School of Character Award. Just last week, they learned that they are a 2013 finalist for a National School of Character Award! They are the only New York State school to become a finalist this year!! If you see any staff or students from Cleveland, please wish them luck and let them know that we are rooting for them! The winner will be announced in early May.
If you would like more information on the National School of Character Award, please click the link below.
Here are a few pictures from Cleveland’s 2010 Blue Ribbon of Character celebration!
from Linda Meredith, 9/12/12
On Sunday September 30, members of the Central Square Teachers Association as well as other Central Square School District faculty, families and friends participated in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in downtown Syracuse.
Each school in the district worked hard to collect cash and online donations to help in the fight against breast cancer. The grand total of what was collected in registration forms on the day of the walk, combined with online donations, Central Square School District raised $1400.00 to benefit the American Cancer Society.
Many thanks to Building Team Leaders in each school for their hard work and dedication to this important walk: Cara Blake - PV Moore High School, Judy Windhausen- Central Square Intermediate, Sarah Alsante- Central Square Middle School, Helen Bolen- Cleveland Elementary, and Rick Snavlin and Pam Potter- Brewerton Elementary.
Many Central Square faculty, families and friends showed up to join us in Making Strides. They included: Rick Snavlin with Sarah Snavlin and Nate Snavlin, Sarah Alsante, Nora Rudewicz, Pam Potter, Jackie Straub, Heather Gullo with Annie Gullo, Sophie Gullo, and Tess Gullo, Delinda Sunderland, Michele Adams, Heather Applegarth with Maren Applegarth, Evie Applegarth, and Derek Applegarth, Melanie Wheeler with Marissa Wheeler and Anna Wheeler, Paul Garrow, Matt McGill, Cheryl Reed, and Carol Dwyer. Central Square Boy’s Varsity Lacrosse Coach Rick Snavlin walked with student athletes from his team, including Adam Wilckens, Sam Hatem, Logan McGill, Devin McGill, Jacob Garrow, and Zach Reed. PV Moore teacher Nicole Heath walked along with PV Moore High School students Sam Stetson, Alexis Holmquist, and Chris Kendrick.
Congratulations to the following Central Square teachers for receiving this award!
Helen Bolen: Cleveland Elementary
Teresa Burleigh: Central Square Intermediate School
Edward Darrh: Central Square Middle School
Bill Hansen: Millard Hawk Primary School
Sheri Hansen: Millard Hawk Primary School
Shelly Lee: Millard Hawk Primary School
Tina Lewis: Aura A. Cole Elementary School
Simmone Pone': Brewerton Elementary School
Carol Scaccia: Hastings-Mallory Elementary
Stacie Shaffer: Ed. Center & Paul V. Moore High School
The Elementary Art Department consisting of Amber Cerio, Katie Fitzsimmons and Sarah Lekki are very excited to announce that they have received an invitation via Syracuse University's Professor Dr. Susan Wadley of the South Asian Studies Program to present at Cornell University's International Studies Summer Institute 2014: Teaching Global Competency Through Literary, Visual and Performing Arts Conference on June 30th and July 1st.
On June 30th they will be presenting with Dr. Susan Wadley about the Central Square Elementary Art Program and our collaboration with Syracuse University about Mithila Art and the Common Core.
On July 1st they we will be conducting a workshop showcasing their Common Core Mithila unit, lesson plans and interdisciplinary uses.
They would like to thank you for allowing us the professional development time to go to Syracuse University, to meet with Dr. Wadley, visit Schaffer Art Gallery, see Syracuse University's private Mithila Art collection, attend the hands-on workshop with Mithila Artist, Dr. Rani Jha and meet as an elementary art department to develop the unit, lessons and rubrics that are attached.
Thank you for your continued support of the elementary art department.
Kris Balintfy has been selected by Brandon McGrath (a former student here at PVM) as a teacher that helped make a difference in his life. Brandon is currently a chemical engineering student at R.I.T and carries a 3.8 GPA. R.I.T. will be honoring Kris at an all expense paid dinner, ceremony and breakfast in April.
Brrrr….Baby It’s Cold Outside
by Jaime Blakes
On Tuesday, November 19th, Damon Villnave braved the cold slept outside in downtown Syracuse. He wanted to experience what it would be like to be homeless. Dave teamed up with the Rescue Mission to raise awareness for the "National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week." From the pictures below you can see what he ate and where he slept. Boy was he courageous! He came in the next day to school exactly the way he dressed last night which was an eye opener for both students and staff to something that we more often than not think about! Hats off to you Damon!
For additional information visit the Rescue Mission website:
Freezin’ For A Reason
by Jaime Blakes
Baby, it’s cold outside…but not for these folks! Fred Kowanes, Chris Cox, Dale Greabell, Audrey Sauer and Lindsay Phillips all beared the cold weather on December 8th and jumped in Oneida Lake to support the Special Olympics! If you happen to see them, ask them about this awesome experience!
Congratulations to Alicia Crandall on being named Coach of the Year for the AA American Division. Alicia has been coaching the Varsity Softball team for the past 7 years. This year her team was named AA American Division League Champions and finished with an overall 14-7 record. This year was an amazing season for both Alicia and her team because they made it to the semi-finals of sectionals. This is the first time the team has made it this far in school history! Way to go!
We Wore Our Blue!
by Jaime Blakes
On December 9th, NYSUT asked all of their members to wear blue to show our solidarity and to show our support to all members in public education. It is during these times, that we need to ban together and stand proudly next to one another!
This past year Tom LaFave's wife was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. This has been difficult for his wife and family to say the least. As a friend and a colleague along with the lacrosse boosters we started brainstorming things we could do for the Lafave family. We decided to have a lacrosse benefit at the stadium May 4th. We rearranged our lacrosse schedules so that our modified lacrosse team would play that day, followed by a JV game , followed by a Varsity game. We decided that all the proceeds would be donated to the Christine Lafave foundation to help them in this time of need.
Each player had pink ribbons on their helmet, pink socks , and pink tape take on their lacrosse sticks. Coaches wore pink shirts that were made up recognizing breast cancer and the Lafave family. We used pink balls for the actual lacrosse game. Donations were made from all local business, the school district, and just random people who do not even know the LaFave's. We generated 16 baskets from our membership and IPAD from Wal-Mart to raffle off. Christine actually came to the game and watched and later was presented with check during half time of the Varsity game.
We raised $4000 that was donated to the LaFave family. This was a special day for our community, players and coaches. Tom later told me that he never saw Christine so happy since she was first diagnosed.
By Larry Stewart
Lisa McAllister named Health Teacher of the Year
Lisa was selected as the 2013 NYS AHPERD Central North Zone Health Education Teacher of the Year. She was presented with an award at a ceremony to honor the recipients on Thursday, November 7, 2013 at the Rusty Rail in Canastota.
If you happen to see Lisa at either the Middle School or PVM, please congratulate her on this awesome award!
CSTA - Reclaiming the Joy of Teaching!
New York Senate Teaching Excellence Award